Tech Connection

Tech Guide Hours and Contact Info

Tech Connection Chromebook Icon

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Borrow a Chromebook!

Start here.

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Need internet?

Borrow a Wi-Fi Hotspot!

Start here.

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Sign up for Tech Connection Workshops

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Northstar Digital Literacy

Northstar Digital Literacy offers free, online, self-guided classes for basic computer digital literacy with a focus on three main subjects:

  • Essential Computer Skills - Basic Computer Skills, Internet Basics, Using Email, Windows OS, Mac OS
  • Essential Software Skills – Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Google Docs
  • Using Technology in Daily Life - Social Media, Information Literacy, Career Search Skills, Accessing Telehealth Appointments, Supporting K-12 Distance Learning, Your Digital Footprint

Use your library card to sign up for a Northstar Digital Literacy account: Start here.

More about Tech Connection:

Tech Connection is a brand new program here in Clinton that aims to increase digital/technological literacy within the community. This program is primarily aimed towards anybody within the community that would like to learn more skills regarding the internet. This ranges anywhere from creating/writing emails, to conducting searches on the internet, to deleting apps/pictures off of your phone. Not only will this program contain classes, but it will also feature drop-in hours in order for people to be able to receive help. During these drop-in hours, people may come in and ask any basic tech questions (How can I delete apps off of my phone? How can I change the font in Word? etc). We are now in a world in which technology is a part of our everyday lives, and we want to help people within the community feel comfortable using it. The courses will be offered in English, as well as Spanish depending on the need. 

Tech Connection: A collaboration between Clinton Human Services and HCH Library